No referral necessary to attend therapy.
However if your are referred by a GP or Psychiatrist with a current Mental Health Care Plan you are eligible for a Medicare rebate of $96.65 for up to 10 sessions a year. You can also access an additional 10 group sessions.
For individuals with conditions such as Chronic Pain your GP may access you as eligible for a Chronic Disease Management Plan which allows for up to 5 rebates (across your Allied Health Professionals) of $60.35.
Private health insurance may also provide rebates depending on your level of cover- Please check with your insurer.
Workcover, NDIS, QPS self refer, Victims Services clients- fees are charged to the organisation covering your care.
New Clients Welcome
Appointments available
8.30 a.m - 5.00 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Bookings can be arranged by contacting
More to Life Psychology
mobile 0418840711